
Showing posts from April, 2017
FACEBOOK INTEGRATION USING ANGULARJS Facebook enables easy, efficient and powerful multi-platform integration of it’s services with almost everything you can imagine using Facebook SDK. This blog is going to be all about Facebook authentication for apps, or simply said: “ How to integrate Facebook Sign In into your app ”. Although, Facebook SDK  Documentation  is very good and reading through it will give you not only a clue, but good insights about the functionality of API with some nice examples, it does’t cover some specific details when it comes to AngularJS integration. Firstly, we need to follow below steps to get API key: 1.Login to facebook developer console(  ). 2. Click on create App,provide name of the app,your email address and choose the category as app for pages and click create App Id as shown below: 3.Then select facebook login from add product page and click on Get Started changes as shown be